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These are our readers' favorite posts in recent weeks. If they liked it, we are sure you would too!

Luisa Trujillo
A lifelong student of languages, Luisa comes from a family of specialty coffee growers in Pereira, Colombia. Dancing is second nature for her, along with teaching and translating. She loves journaling, yoga, history, and learning about different cultures. Felines hold a special place in her heart. 😻

Aswin Raghav
A digital marketer by trade, Aswin hails from Thanjavur, a famous temple town in India. He also runs a non-profit for youth development. He's passionate about cultures, travel, nutrition, investing, and cheers for Manchester United. His current goal is to read 52 books this year, a book for every week. 📚
Meet the Team 👋
We are a team of two, a couple, just like you. Even if you're not, no problem, we are here to change that. One step at a time!